WTF! (Willey, Tom and Field)… oh, and Avalon too

Finally, got these peaks checked off my list after a disastrous attempt a couple of weeks ago. Or as I like to call it, “That one time we hiked 12 miles, didn’t get a single 4,000 footer, nearly got struck by a bolt of lightning, ran off the mountain in the wrong direction and ended up hitching a ride in the back of a pickup truck to our cars.” 

I was determined to get these peaks done, so yesterday I went back for my second attempt – this time solo.

With all the rain we’ve had this week, the trails were a wet muddy mess. The higher than usual water crossings required careful footing, and much of the trail was stream-like with all the runoff. It was a slog of a hike with very little reward in the way of views, and the slippery conditions slowed me down considerably.

By the end, I was grumpy – stumbling around muttering expletives to myself like some deranged, smelly mountain creature – completely caked in mud and slug juice.

But after a long hot shower I felt much happier about my life choices and this crazy thing I’ve gotten myself into hiking all these 4,000 footers. Afterall, a day in the mountains is better than most things.

So that’s a wrap for Field, Willey and Tom for peaks #18, 19, and 20! See ya never, byeeeeee!

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